Hanford's Robotic ‘Dog’ Could Reduce Risk, Further Improve Worker Safety

ARES and Ghost Robotics were pleased to provide the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the Central Plateau Cleanup Company (CPCCo) a demonstration of our quadra-ped (four-footed) Robotic Dog supplied by Ghost Robotics and integrated with ARES’ Robotic Mission Planning & Operations (MPO) software at the Hanford Site in Richland, Washington USA. The presentation and demonstration covered the wide-ranging applications for this technology and the unique abilities that enable the Robotic Dog to navigate Hanford’s challenging work environment. In the DOE’s Office of Environmental Management Update newsletter released on May 18th, 2021 (LINK), an interview of the Central Plateau Cleanup Company responsible individuals provided a summary of the demonstration and the planned use of this robotic technology to enhance worker safety, efficiency & productivity. Ben Eazzetta, CEO of ARES, stated “ARES appreciates the opportunity the DOE and Hanford site have provided us and firmly believes this new technology will reduce risks and improve worker safety at Hanford and all other DOE sites.”


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